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  • Writer's pictureEmeraldTokyo

Photoshop Trial

I have started this blog to post updates for Emerald Angel projects. The Flash Games and Animations are going smoothly.

I've decided to download Photoshop CS and give it a try. I dunno, it's complicated, but I'm learning. I see so many people churn out amazing artwork with it that I just couldn't ignore the program any longer. Hopefully, I'll figure it out and be able to churn out some nice work. Because frankly, I don't see my Paintshop Pro stuff looking very professional. >_< That's probably just my hangups though. I am my own worst critic.

If the program is all I hope to be ... I am looking at spending top dollar to actually get a copy for myself. Oh man. *sigh*

I'm trying it out on a nice drawing I did ... at almost 5 in the morning. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me, but I'll have some new art work soon.

Luv, Chrissy.

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